Time : 15:00:47 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 10450, customer_name: Soniya , email_addr: soniamachine3@gmail.com, phone_numb' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 10450, customer_name: Soniya , email_addr: soniamachine3@gmail.com, phone_number: 8448431838, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: A-110, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Uttam Nagar East, Uttam Nagar, Delhi, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 28.6190347, longitude: 77.0640016, status: 1, android_device_id: dE5tfq1-Q8uG879IvQLWd8:APA91bFGp_yPYXybUl5g3YtqQTA4jgewi3LRGTZd_YJcBRJaINjLyvhHt4UxWR2Nlf24-fsH9ohOio8-bg_vTb2di8pagdw10QWGab2-BvNtGOtNZYT4XeN7yP67ICBAY0rvCHXQ6PpS, ios_device_id: dE5tfq1-Q8uG879IvQLWd8:APA91bFGp_yPYXybUl5g3YtqQTA4jgewi3LRGTZd_YJcBRJaINjLyvhHt4UxWR2Nlf24-fsH9ohOio8-bg_vTb2di8pagdw10QWGab2-BvNtGOtNZYT4XeN7yP67ICBAY0rvCHXQ6PpS, created_at: 2024-01-11 21:50:41, updated_at: 2024-01-11 21:50:41} Time : 13:48:17 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 13:46:52 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 13:46:37 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 11:06:17 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 07:55:34 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11475, customer_name: hitarth , email_addr: hitarthdshah@gmail.com, phone_numb' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11475, customer_name: hitarth , email_addr: hitarthdshah@gmail.com, phone_number: 9444891314, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 166, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 165, 20th Cross Rd, Sector 3, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 12.9101568, longitude: 77.6433949, status: 1, android_device_id: feW3RL0mT2e3eNkh8tnAwp:APA91bFs36RENnBhCja5C3mOg7eQke3Vq8SzTR0kk5eZjicjy_9gtqWzeVDnRKHo9ufNVx801IqohnsA1huEs7byNekrsZZiUVesJVYMp8NxDMtWx1BKcQFvl7S4eUGp495a5IPOJESt, ios_device_id: feW3RL0mT2e3eNkh8tnAwp:APA91bFs36RENnBhCja5C3mOg7eQke3Vq8SzTR0kk5eZjicjy_9gtqWzeVDnRKHo9ufNVx801IqohnsA1huEs7byNekrsZZiUVesJVYMp8NxDMtWx1BKcQFvl7S4eUGp495a5IPOJESt, created_at: 2024-01-21 15:31:43, updated_at: 2024-01-21 15:31:43, insta_count: 0} Time : 05:20:42 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's KKR Residency, NTR COLONY ,Tadigadapa, Poranki, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, In' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9381446391','0','Cooking','3','','Female','2024-02-11 05:20:42','214, Avaneendra's KKR Residency, NTR COLONY ,Tadigadapa, Poranki, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India,0','6.0') Time : 05:19:47 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's KKR Residency, NTR COLONY ,Tadigadapa, Poranki, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, In' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9381446391','0','Cooking','3','','Female','2024-02-11 05:19:47','214, Avaneendra's KKR Residency, NTR COLONY ,Tadigadapa, Poranki, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India,0','6.0') Time : 05:19:47 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's KKR Residency, NTR COLONY ,Tadigadapa, Poranki, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, In' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9381446391','0','Cooking','3','','Female','2024-02-11 05:19:47','214, Avaneendra's KKR Residency, NTR COLONY ,Tadigadapa, Poranki, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India,0','6.0') Time : 04:59:19 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 12605, customer_name: rachna, email_addr: rachnadixit981@gmail.com, phone_numb' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 12605, customer_name: rachna, email_addr: rachnadixit981@gmail.com, phone_number: 8949571153, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ADA colony agra road sasni gate aligarh , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Agra Road, Ada Colony, Sasni Gate, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 27.8652986, longitude: 78.0723263, status: 1, android_device_id: f32W1tbERYK7oDoBPfMY85:APA91bG4XEi73HB3ovICJgeVi9kRKnh6VXMed-WfxzrifbdI8eOolCcIqpBpddpAcNKwMQ7tDJZdYzt7cQZZwil7-03C-wgPEKR5uFmAASZzBW-pf-M4fNz1k4UfVlSHjY2FgxCuxyOL, ios_device_id: f32W1tbERYK7oDoBPfMY85:APA91bG4XEi73HB3ovICJgeVi9kRKnh6VXMed-WfxzrifbdI8eOolCcIqpBpddpAcNKwMQ7tDJZdYzt7cQZZwil7-03C-wgPEKR5uFmAASZzBW-pf-M4fNz1k4UfVlSHjY2FgxCuxyOL, created_at: 2024-02-01 12:29:47, updated_at: 2024-02-01 12:29:47, insta_count: 0} Time : 04:57:56 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 12605, customer_name: rachna, email_addr: rachnadixit981@gmail.com, phone_numb' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 12605, customer_name: rachna, email_addr: rachnadixit981@gmail.com, phone_number: 8949571153, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ADA colony agra road sasni gate aligarh , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Agra Road, Ada Colony, Sasni Gate, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 27.8652986, longitude: 78.0723263, status: 1, android_device_id: f32W1tbERYK7oDoBPfMY85:APA91bG4XEi73HB3ovICJgeVi9kRKnh6VXMed-WfxzrifbdI8eOolCcIqpBpddpAcNKwMQ7tDJZdYzt7cQZZwil7-03C-wgPEKR5uFmAASZzBW-pf-M4fNz1k4UfVlSHjY2FgxCuxyOL, ios_device_id: f32W1tbERYK7oDoBPfMY85:APA91bG4XEi73HB3ovICJgeVi9kRKnh6VXMed-WfxzrifbdI8eOolCcIqpBpddpAcNKwMQ7tDJZdYzt7cQZZwil7-03C-wgPEKR5uFmAASZzBW-pf-M4fNz1k4UfVlSHjY2FgxCuxyOL, created_at: 2024-02-01 12:29:47, updated_at: 2024-02-01 12:29:47, insta_count: 0} Time : 03:46:21 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_number: 8302635897, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: house no 74 Shakuntalam Colony Behind Rajwada Palace Marriage hall Jagatpura Jaipur , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Villa 89 Shankuntalam colony, near rajwada gardn, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 26.8206764, longitude: 75.854159, status: 1, android_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, ios_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, created_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, updated_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, insta_count: 0} Time : 03:46:15 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_number: 8302635897, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: house no 74 Shakuntalam Colony Behind Rajwada Palace Marriage hall Jagatpura Jaipur , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Villa 89 Shankuntalam colony, near rajwada gardn, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 26.8206764, longitude: 75.854159, status: 1, android_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, ios_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, created_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, updated_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, insta_count: 0} Time : 03:25:03 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_number: 8302635897, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: house no 74 Shakuntalam Colony Behind Rajwada Palace Marriage hall Jagatpura Jaipur , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Villa 89 Shankuntalam colony, near rajwada gardn, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 26.8206764, longitude: 75.854159, status: 1, android_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, ios_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, created_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, updated_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, insta_count: 0} Time : 03:25:01 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11171, customer_name: Shipra Shreya , email_addr: shipra7oct@gmail.com, phone_number: 8302635897, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: house no 74 Shakuntalam Colony Behind Rajwada Palace Marriage hall Jagatpura Jaipur , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Villa 89 Shankuntalam colony, near rajwada gardn, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 26.8206764, longitude: 75.854159, status: 1, android_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, ios_device_id: dBpsmdCsT86-fNy0ZIw4pE:APA91bEBFTv45OnDz4qdYrSiznSDnjAYH92nnfFOjiA0npdYqp5tJQ6IIfxR9JxyY8FNJdYA5Qimti0qiD5W65ZE2m7KjAwOFQN6DK9BX4TC71luE0q76Hc2X48qNggkfX-BM5rmFO8A, created_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, updated_at: 2024-01-18 12:01:09, insta_count: 0}